Most of these files require Adobe® Reader®. Some of these require a program that reads Microsoft® Word® files. Download Adobe® Reader® here if you cannot open these files. Rather than trying to open these files in your browser, I recommend that you (Windows Internet Explorer directions) right click the link, then select "save target as" and then download the file to your machine. I have had problem viewing drawings in Internet Explorer -- they hang Internet Explorer but if downloaded, Acrobat will display them correctly. Also, if you download and then use Acrobat, you will have access to all of Acrobat's features, like ZOOM, which I don't get for PDFs inside the IE browser. Beaufort, SC Jobs
Current JobsPlease note that the bid forms have made additional changes, please call for info. Page Field Showers, MCRD, PI
HazMat, MCRD, PI
Replace Switching Station #1, MCRD, PI
Electrical Distribution, MCRD, PI
Last modified: 11/01/06 |